Video Maker.png

Company Timeline Video

Company Timeline Video

During the summer of 2019, Venngage held their annual company wide hackathon in a remote location in Ontario. Team members across all departments were split up and were tasked to complete projects within the short span of 4 days. My team was assigned to revitalize the Careers Page and my specific role was to create a video of the company’s history. Due to the short time frame, I used existing illustrations within the Venngage tool itself and manage to finish a motion graphic video within the requested time frame.


After Effects I Illustrator I Venngage


Graphic Designer


GIF of Venngage’s Circle Mind Maps Feature

GIF of Venngage’s Collaboration Feature

GIF of Venngage’s New Accessibility Feature

Onboarding Presentation Template available in Venngage

GIF thumbnail to promote the recent launch of Venngage Video Maker